Tuesday, March 01, 2011

March 2, 2011

Carolina Jasmine
Carolina Jasmine up in the trees - can you see the yellow? Seems a little early for it to bloom, but it's everywhere.. I'll see if I can get a better photo of the jasmine tomorrow.

If you live in a snowy climate, all this "green" might look the same to you, but really there's been a lot of change the past few weeks.  It's not just the temperatures, but also the trees are greening up, the sky looks different, the birds are singing away! It's much more subtle than Massachusetts or Montana, where I've also experienced Winter into Spring, but it's there.

Teddy Bear On Chimney Cap

Now that the weather's so nice Teddy likes to spend time outside, including up on the roof. We saw him up on top of the chimney peering down at us and managed to get a photo before he came running down to the edge to see what we were doing! He looks like he's our Watch Cat, guarding the place!