Friday, August 10, 2012

Our Toys: Playskool Wooden Puzzles

 Time To Pack Up The Toys

Playskool Wooden Puzzles

Time to give these puzzles away now that our children and grandchildren have outgrown them. I've washed off the tops and marked the back of each piece with the puzzle name and number of pieces, like Boy Blue 1/12 - or however many pieces there are in each puzzle.  Most of ours range from 10 or 11 pieces to 21.  I think we used to have some that just had 3 or 4 separate pieces, each with its own space cut out of the wooden tray.  We still have a few that are missing pieces.  Maybe the pieces will turn up as I continue going through things - wouldn't that be great?

Here's the stack of puzzles.  I wrapped each one in plastic to keep the pieces all together.  That'll make it easier for the teachers I'm giving them to. 

Budding Artist


Humpty Dumpty

Jack in the Box

Little Boy Blue

The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

Polar Bear (already wrapped in plastic)

The Three Little Pigs

I'm giving them to the preschool/daycare where two of my grandsons have enjoyed such loving care for several years each. The youngest one graduated from Pre-K  and will start Kindergarten in the public school system in just a few days. 

These are all "vintage" wooden tray puzzles used by our children and then the grandchildren.  We bought some at garage sales and some were new. Just for fun I checked Etsey and EBay to see if anyone sells them, and found most of these with prices ranging from $5. or $6. to about $20.  I'll tell the teachers how valuable they are, with some getting close to 50 years old! They were well-made for sure back then!


koralee said...

Oh my goodness these are amazing!! I love vintage puzzles...what a blessing they will be to the preschools...monday hugs to you.

Unknown said...

The Playskool Wooden Puzzles are the best!! Love these! What great memories, my kids had these too!!

XXX chris

Unknown said...

I love those vintage puzzles. They always remind me of Sunday School where I loved playing with them. It's a sad time when we have to pack those things away.

Thanks so much for you kind wishes today. I love you for thinking of me and taking the time to tell me so.

OX's...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

Unknown said...

They are precious indeed!I can't seem to part with my kid's wooden puzzles ;( Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great week!!

Sandy xox

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love these. I have a few that i still use in my work with children.